Trip Reports
3rd- Waiting Room
Setting Up- 0.04g in a MOTAR vape (first time using, didn't get the full dose). Solo. Meditated. Nervous.
Blasting Off- Everything is like a cartoon. Space is infinite and void. There is nothing. But on top of the nothing are glowing lines of light. The light seems physically solid. Mostly shades of red. The lines form the outline of a room and all the things that are in it. I understand that there is a solid plane where the wall should be... its just maid out of void. There are toys on the floor. Those small tables in a pediatricians waiting room that have the different colored balls on wire tracks... one was kind of like that but not at all... and it was moving on its own. I realize I have been in this room many times before. There is singing. A thousand voices in one. The lyrics are my name and affirmations. YES! A being enters. It is some kind of robot thing. Anthropomorphic but its arms are like slinkies made of light and it is dancing. There are other toys in the room. One is kind of like that labrynth board with all the holes and the metal ball. There is a door and my name is called but I can feel myself being pulled backward.
Touching Down- I'm curious how many times I've been in that room. I have peaked on mushrooms before somewhere close to that space... the void where things are just outlines of light.
4th- First breakthrough
Setting Up- 0.06g in a MOTAR vape. With friends. No Meditation. Bravely Nervous.
Blasting Off- Slammed face first loudly into light. A grand hall resolves before me. No walls or ceiling. Just infinite colomns of solid light going into the distance forever. The colomns near me are red with those a bit farther being orange and so on following the rainbow. Before me there is space without colomns seemingly extending forever. In it is a sitting being. It presents me a golden tablet. It has markings on it. The being does something and the markings shift. Im supposed understand something and maybe at the time I did but now I dont. The markings shift. This continues.
Touching Down- I ranted and raved to my friends and they seemed excited. When they tried it they coughed everything out right away and complained of the taste.
5th- The Ultimate Dude-Bro
Setting Up- Realized the MOTAR vape still had a decent dose from my friends previous use... figured I'd give it a hit... got a solid hit in and realized there was another good one so I went for it
Blasting Off- Standing in the middle of the kitchen. Realized I should sit. Lurch to the comfy rug in front of the sliding glass door. The view is a maple tree just starting to put out neon leaves to the background of a dark blue cloudless sky. The ground is rolling hills covered in bright yellow dandelions with only small patches of dark green grass showing through. Vibrant beauty. I am paused in that moment when reality starts to warp into light. Everything is kaleidescoping endlessly. Suddenly I am very aware of my neighbor talking to her daughter outside nextdoor. I lay back and close my eyes to see what is happening inside. It is the infinite indoors. The floor is black and white checkered tile. I am in a hallway that curves toward the ceiling in the far distance. Doors line both sides of the hallway. I recognize the most FRAT BRO I have ever seen in my life dancing before me. The being is changing with every movement... clothing, face, accessories... but it is always the ultimate dude-bro. He blocks my path and tells me "No. Not this time." I can not get around him. He dances and laughs. I open my eyes and appreciate the view of my backyard.
Touching Down- I hear so much about the jester... is my version a Bro?
6th- Burt and Ernie
Setting Up- 0.04g in a MOTAR vape. Solo. Meditated. Nervous.
Blasting Off- Some kind of control or observations room within the infinite indoors. Everything is cartoony, The floor is black and white checkered tile. A being that is Burt and Ernie (Seasame Street) combined into one but so much more is giving me a tour... or taking me around to show to other beings. The beings I am shown to are all working at individual stations. They stop when Burt/Ernie approaches and they're all so happy to see me. They like dancing. I dance (I'm laying on the floor so it's more of a wiggle) and everything explodes into light and patterns that are beautiful and detailed beyond comprehension. Life is a dance. I stop dancing and the patterns simmer down. They laugh.
Touching Down- There is so much that I quickly forget as I fit back into my self.
Posted in: DMT
7 people like this.
great write up. is the motar vape pretty good for dmt? looking for a good vape
June 13, 2021