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Hello, Can anyone explain me what is pharmahuasca? Do you have to take it alone or with something else
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f. e. you take a penganum harmala extract or the seeds cooked in water with lemon juice. wait a bit. convert the dmt freebase to a salt in lemon juice. take it. bon voyage 1f609.png
Like September 14, 2019 Edited
thank you! sounds great... never heard of that, so can you tell me what kind of dmt is used orally? And How much dmt is a good dose ? I have only experienced with ayahuasca drinked and jurema dmt smoked but this sounds really great.
Like September 15, 2019
dmt fumarate, but you can also use normal freebase dmt and put it in lemon juice first, then drink it. it's difficult to tell a dose, i don't know what kind of experience you want to have. https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Pharmahuasca
Like September 15, 2019
Nice! ✌
Like September 15, 2019