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Alfredo Serrano
Alfredo Serrano
Alfredo Serrano
Humble and respectful greetings, brothers and sisters.
Has anybody here gotten their third eye open, with DMT help?
Saludos humildes y respetuosos, hermanos y hermanas. ¿Alguien de vosotros ha abierto... View More

Alfredo Serrano
Happy trip
Alfredo Serrano
Love is all i am.
Amor es todo lo que soy.
Alfredo Serrano
Alfredo Serrano
My first trip was frightened me at first and the sensation of "everybody hearing and seeing my mind" blocked what should have been more exciting than frightening. But there's always a second time and ... View More
Alfredo Serrano
Alfredo Serrano
2 people like this.
Umm... The path isn't a straight line, it's a spiral. You continually go back to that which you think you'd understood and see the truth more deeply. (I'm struggling with the tense/aspect on the verbs here)
Like July 24, 2019
That's a great translation Kartanya!
Like July 24, 2019
T rex ophora
Thanks. Spiral stair always make me think of the book “the house of leaves”. It’s one of my favorites and the spiral has so much meaning. Thanks for sharing and translating.
Like July 24, 2019
Alfredo Serrano
Humble and respectfully, the Translation: The road is not a straight line, it is a spiral. You continually return to what you thought you had understood and observe deeper truths.
Like July 29, 2019
Alfredo Serrano
Yesterday was my folirat DMT Trip. Im very grateful for the brothers who invited me to this amazing experience. Humbly grateful, brother Stefano ????????☝
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