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DMT Extraction Teks
2459 Members
Psychedelics » DMT
All my trips were in places like this one, so when I see this coconut tree green with the sky's blue it really trips me out, it became so psychedelic.
Do you guys have this sensory triggers that resemb... View More

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Vdd minhas trips de lsd coisas grandes sempre me assustavam, com cogu da ate pra controlar mais, ja fui mt em praia do forte, as vezes fico em itacimirim, o pico la e bem legal
Like March 14, 2021
A mi me sucede lo mismo, ahora que lo mencionas me doy cuenta. Al volver al lugar en el rio entre las montañas donde suelo hacer la medicina. Es como si todo me siguiera hablando y mostrando cosas. Saludos hermanos, desde los andes argentinos.
Like March 14, 2021
So relateble! 1f604.png
Like March 22, 2021
I have a very strong trigger when looking at a marijuana leaf.. where all the parts of the leaf come together..looks like an infinite fractal. Every time im cutting my weed i get this crazy Ayahuasca throwback!!
Like March 22, 2021
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