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Male. Lives in Bartlesville, United States. Born on September 20, 1994. Is engaged.
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Musician in Oklahoma, looking for a community of like minded individuals.
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Anybody have any experience with a 1up psilocybin chocolate bar? Came across one and it intrigued me.
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Prolly the fakest brand you can get, so many people just print a 1up logo and slap it onXD
Like August 26, 2022
That’s not to say it isn’t a quality psilocybin chocolate bar just that any joe blow could be making it…… only one way to find out….
Like August 26, 2022
CaLi Uso
As they other 2 have stated, it could be an ‘official’ 1up bar or could be a duplicate creation… give it a whirl and see if it toots your horn. I’ve tried them once and disliked them… so never bothered to try again. Id rather consume fruits as fruits. I know others who have tried them and love them... View More
Like August 26, 2022 Edited
¡Hola! Estoy aprendiendo español y buscando práctica. ¿Ayúdame, por favor?
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Voy a empezar alemán, mandarín y francés después de entender totalmente el español.
Like May 5, 2020
Music helped me learn English along with being around english speaking peole all the time in high school
Like May 5, 2020
Breezly Tengo un amigo en el Facebook pero usualmente él es ocupado. Uso dos apps para aprender porque creo qué aprendido más rápido.
Like May 5, 2020
Took the Myers-Briggs personality test yesterday. It would appear I am an “INFP”.
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After the test got popular, and it even started being used for military and CIA job placements, the creator of it said it's all bullshit and shouldn't be valued
Like April 6, 2020
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Thanks for helping spread this the first of many to come!!
Like March 21, 2020
shared a few photos
Found these while out walking.
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Hailey Nicole
Hey friend, Ive been thinking about you lately and am curious how your school search for entering the field of psychedelics is going?? I hope it is going well smile.gif Have you discovered anything new??
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Truth (as I see it)
The reality of this existence is that to believe in gods is to deny yourself truth.
That is your “savior”, so to speak, as understanding that is understanding rea... View More

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My thoughts exactly.
Like March 18, 2020
Why else would DMT be released when we die? I believe drugs are a means for us to de-program our set mode of thinking/processing, which ultimately leads to a “better understanding” (assuming no abuse is taking place), and DMT is the bridge. Therefore, if this amazing molecule is responsible for our ... View More
Like March 18, 2020
If it is true that DMT is released right before we die and during are dreams that would be a big clue. Ive read research papers where lucid dreamers, while hooked up to an eeg machine, were put to task of writing and reading during there lucid dreams. The researches found that the brain lights up ... View More
Like March 19, 2020
I get the same feeling all the time.
Like March 19, 2020
Found some mushrooms growing out of a fallen tree, but I’m not particularly savvy with mycology. Could someone possibly let me know where I need to look and what I need to look for to identify these b... View More
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T rex ophora
There is a mushroom id group on this platform with a few folks that are pretty good at id guidance. Come join and share some photos. Id can be a lot of fun!
Like March 14, 2020
If its got dark purple spores and bruises blue - its likely active and not poisionous
Like March 14, 2020
@Spooner - I love iNaturalist! Look me up im on there as Shaboy.
Like March 14, 2020
Glad to be of assistance
Like March 14, 2020
I want to befriend a ghost and have them rob a bank for me.
I’ll call it a “polterheist”. ????
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