T rex ophora
on March 20, 2020
Hello DW family. I’ve been called to gather the communities I’m involved in together to lift our world to alignment with love. To better see these events through a higher perspective, it’s my belief that bringing together light workers from around the world to act as one, could be the catalyst we need to lift the vibration of fear to one of love. I’m requesting from each of you to join us in vibration this Sunday March 22 at 2pm est, wherever you are, for as long as you can, in lifting the fear around us up to the light with the goal of realigning our communities in love. We may be told we cannot join hands in these unprecedented times, but we can certainly join minds and use our technology to join our energy and communities with this one goal of global love and connection. Please spread this message to other communities you are involved in, as we come together in prayer, meditation, wording, reiki, or whatever form of vibration you practice.
We aren’t just all in this together, we are this together.
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