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Male. Lives in Canada. Born on July 26, 1989.
About Me
People call me Saije.
DMT Extraction Teks
2374 Members
Psychedelics ยป DMT

Status Update

It seems that after my first few big tripps with DMT that every Tripp thereafter have been nearly indescribable in words.
Has it been similar for others?
6 people like this.
I totally understand. I would love to be able to share More experiences with people, but I constantly feel like I don't have the capability to project my intentions accurately enough. Nonetheless the amount of feelings that are indescribable on top of the visual aspect is far more complex than my wo... View More
Like June 4, 2022
Just last night on a Tripp I was in this cube room of rotating colors of geometry, it felt like hours.
Like June 5, 2022