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Psychedelics » DMT
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Psychedelics » DMT
I did DMT for the first time today and took 3 hits that i was capable of, and i got high like on weed with no visuals. Why could that happen?
5 people like this.
I did set an intention yes. It is possible o didnt hold it enough.
Like March 27, 2020
That's the most important thing actually imho: try holding it in 25-30 seconds!
Like March 27, 2020
Follow up to this. I did it again and had some crazy close eyed visuals and feelings but i clearly still need to work on holding it in more
Like March 28, 2020
Ok ok bro; i got you. Follow my instructions and I promise you will breakthrough if you have real DMT. 1) Get a proper device to VAPORIZE the DMT with. You do not “smoke” dmt. If you burn it it has no real effect as you destroy the molecule. I recommend either a personal Yocan brand oil vaporizer, ... View More
Like March 29, 2020
Question for all? What is the best temp to vape DMT carts?
1 person likes this.
Also from the liquid stage onwards (about 47 °C) you get airosolisation just by airflow.
Like March 24, 2020
So you could basically warm a beaker to let's say 60°C full with DMT and you could inhale it like camomile :-)
Like March 24, 2020
Ill try that temp, its very different then the temps i have seen in the past with 160-180c minimum.
Like March 24, 2020
Asking complicated questions getting complicated answers :-) if you use it in juice, the boiling point of your juice it is.
Like March 24, 2020 Edited
Is there a specific priduct or technique people use to keep fruiting tubs warm because my heating mat isnt keeping it at 77?
1 person likes this.
Yeah bro should be fine mabey bump the heater one degree for the house that is thier ideal range you are correct but its not needed and bacteria has an easier chance to get a foot in at higher temps
Like March 1, 2020
Ok thanks for the advice everyone. I have a grow light on a 12 hour timer and a timed humidifier to so then this should be good to go. Thanks again.
Like March 1, 2020
Yeah no problem join shroomin 2.0 we would love to watch your progress
Like March 1, 2020
I did join shroomin 2.0 and asked there but got no response.
Like March 1, 2020
Can anyone tell me the best way to make DMT cartridges, specifically the ratio of dmt to the liquid? There are a lot of conflicting teks out there with different ratios and solution choices. Any help ... View More
2 people like this.
1:1 ratio of DMT to vape juice. Use 50/50 PV VG no nicotine. I like mint or menthol flavors and 0 nicotine. You need to mix it in a heat bath to get the DMT to dissolve completely into the ejuice.
Like February 12, 2020
Thank you.
Like February 12, 2020
Just started my first ever shroom grow. Wish me luck.
49 people like this.
Good luck! Join Shroomin 2.0 I get a lot of help with that group.
Like February 6, 2020
Go with trusted teks!
Like February 7, 2020
Good luck bro
Like March 15, 2020
Enjoy bb
Like March 15, 2020
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