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Male. Lives in LOS ANGELES, United States. Born on April 20, 1989. Is in a relationship.
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I am an explorer & researcher at heart, always adding always growing, finding new ways to bridge my ... View More
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Hey I somehow lost my box of coffee filters.. can I use a regular paper towel to catch the particles after completing a pull? Or is that a no-no?
2 people like this.
Thanks alot soph2020 for your feedback and time. I appreciate it.
Like August 2, 2019
Hey so I did my ACRB & came up with a very small amt. Which is fine it' was my absolute first time, but upon scraping after leaving in freezer overnight, I saw lots of tiny crystal islands but they were surrounded in a sea of oily like substance, so in my excitement, I was scraping the dish with a b... View More
Like August 8, 2019
Whooooooo!!! Thanks I didnt know it was all smokeable!, I'm going to try another pull tomoro, and then il work on re-x. Can I take it orally In this form, w. An maoi of course.
Like August 8, 2019
Where can I find Gordo tek? Thank you.
Like August 8, 2019
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