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shared a few photos - with tompo87 and Gaunty
Tonight sorted
12 people like this.
First time using the yocan, would recomend, great bit of kit
Like December 6, 2020
Currently have a pax3 and some kind of domed ball bubbler thing for dabs. Not sure how to, what to use and dosage. Very confused.
Like December 6, 2020
shared a few photos
From last nights pull
12 people like this.
ready for the weekend
Like December 1, 2020
Paul Mai
what tek did u use?
Like December 1, 2020
Do you make changa from the goo after picking out the crystals or just recrystalise the lot?
Like December 1, 2020 Edited
I just re crytalise pal
Like December 2, 2020
So any help would be great, very new to psychedelics, about 4 weeks ago aquired DMT for first time ever, weighed it out (0.05) and have tried various ways of accomplishing this legendary break through... View More
4 people like this.
Like November 25, 2020
Joey Green
shroomMan420 hit that quartz nail right upon its head! Dab rigs are easy to use if one wants to easily and efficiently absorb even extremely high dosages in one shot! Reverend ..... When first partaking of high dosages without alot of prior experience navigating that realm ..... its not that uncomm... View More
Like November 25, 2020
Cheers for advice guys, gonna try a few delivery methods suggested, fingers crossed
Like November 25, 2020
Dont forget to share your experience in the trip report section! Its one of the most valuable features here in my opinion. Most people have read everything available from reddit and erowid.
Like November 25, 2020
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