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Female. Born on June 19, 1994. Is single.
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hey! how has everyone been doing? i haven't posted in a long time, sorry i haven't been here much lately, guys. i've been going through a lot mentally, spiritually, financially, in my romantic and fam... View More
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Nice too see you in DMT World. I'm glad to hear things are turning around. hugs and love. @ennjoy being ..... i'm half way there... i've learned the first law.... now the accepting it part is taking longer.
Like September 16, 2019
Where've you been girl? Havent seen you on much, just wanted to check in on you to see how you are doing. Lots of love your way.
1 person likes this.
Just been busy, dealing with a lot of life stuff and trying to work on myself. Thank you for checking! <3
Like August 18, 2019
I'm just curious to hear about everyones' birth charts. I recently got more deeply into astrology. Here's mine: rising: libra, sun: gemini, moon: scorpio. <3 > I also have a stellium in Scorpio.
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Chart or natal chart drawn according to ur DOB, time and location...can tell what’s ur star sign is and much more and it’s unique to everyone https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php
Like August 9, 2019 Edited
It doesn’t recognize the town in the state that I was born in.
Like August 9, 2019
Well, that sucks. 1f614.png just try ro google like "free natal chart" try the astro twins website, i can't remember the exact url. that's where I got mine fron, though.
Like August 10, 2019
Windswept Eyes
Myko ty for the link, it’s really good
Like August 9, 2019
Well, When you put in your name, birth time, and location of birth it will create a birth chart for you. And it has a chart on it that shows you where the planet, sun, and moon where located when you were born, and it'll have a like key thing underneath to show you what all the symbols stand for. It... View More
Like August 15, 2019
Has anyone else ever felt a presence or like something lightly touched you when you're meditating..?
8 people like this.
In every DMT experience I have... I always wonder who's touching me...
Like August 9, 2019
Once chanting the green Tara mantra on a beach after swimming while a whale shark, if felt a deep peace and joy wash over me and felt like I was being lifted off the sand as if in the warm palm of some giant. I was straight and hand been celibate (no ejaculation ) for 8 months. The experience lasted... View More
Like August 9, 2019
Felt it on dmt and always wonder who it is, it feels like a male, he made me feel safe tho. Like he’s always been watching over me protecting me my whole life❤️
Like August 9, 2019
From time to time I feel a 'presence' as I go about my day/night. I don't get any sense of intent, but sometimes it freaks me out to feel the energy near me. Especially, when it's dark, or I'm alone on a walk.
Like August 9, 2019
I've noticed that I tend to feel a tightening and discomfort around my throat whenever I get upset or angry and refrain from expressing my thoughts and feeling verbally. Throat chakra? Someone explain... View More
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@tyler said it. Each chakra vibrates to a particular color and sound frequency, by doing spiritual practice we can tune and clear the chakras so they allow better flow of energy. Each chakra center has a different function, from the base - animalistic survival energy to the crown - connection to the... View More
Like August 8, 2019 Edited
Jo Jo
The throat chakra is my tightest chakra. One I've had to do a lot of work with. Private message me!! I am open to sharing my stories and personal practices I have done to open my throat chakra. I am also a libra and practice balance in all my spirtual work, whether I realize it or not.
Like August 8, 2019
Yeah, I know about chakras, I just haven't really gotten much into actually working with mine and learning to balance them out. I guess I need to work with meditation itself more, perhaps, if I want better results when trying to work with my chakras? I'm still a newbie in meditation,but my main issu... View More
Like August 8, 2019
Seems you got it. I think for you yoga is an easier in, the physicality of it might suit you, and it’s more “feelable” when you get into a pose designed to open a particular chakra. If your good at visualization then one of the many chakra meditations will suit. I found people for who sitting is dif... View More
Like August 8, 2019
15 people like this.
Fuckin beautiful man
Like September 1, 2019
these 11's are wild today.
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<a href='https://dmtworld.net/social/PF.Base/file/pic/photo/5d2646bceee88.png' class='thickbox'><img class='uploaded_image' src='https://dmtworld.net/social/PF.Base/file/pic/photo/5d2646bceee88.png'></a>
Like July 10, 2019
immediately happend again lmao.
Like July 10, 2019
Same with me aha
Like July 10, 2019
Danien Graham
Minus the 3 from the 14 & there she is again
Like July 10, 2019
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