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Male. Lives in New brunswick, Canada. Is single.
About Me
I'm a father(2yrs boy) and a Psychonaut of 15 years just recently got into DMT, was a big fan of LSD... View More
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Status Update

Today at around 4 P.m. will mark the one year anniversary of my mothers death. Something that has changed me profusely, and it was the start to one of the hardest years of my life. Along with the disc... View More
14 people like this.
Hang in there bro. Such big wounds needs time to heal but they will eventually. Mush love ❤️
Like April 18, 2022
Can't imagine what that's like my friend, wishing you a lot of courage, I heard things get better with time!
Like April 19, 2022
Spent last night with some penis envy, it was nice. Exactly what I needed. Mush love all!
Like April 20, 2022
nothing more, nothing less indeed. mush love
Like April 20, 2022