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Male. Lives in New brunswick, Canada. Is single.
About Me
I'm a father(2yrs boy) and a Psychonaut of 15 years just recently got into DMT, was a big fan of LSD... View More
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Status Update

Feeling alone and full of anxiety... Cant shake it.
5 people like this.
Sorry you're having a tough time, friend. I understand those feels. It's exhausting trying to carry such heaviness. A hack for (nearly) instant calm is to breathe in through the nose to the count of 4, then out through the nose to the count of 8. It's called "whiskey" breathing and it's designed to ... View More
Like September 6, 2021
Sorry to hear it friend. Its not hard to get stuck in a downward spirall. Negative thoughts cause negative emotions , which cause negative thoughts….I either try to just accept snd ride itvout or before it gets to bad literally try to breathe up the energy from my lower centers up thru the heart int... View More
Like September 6, 2021
Sending you some Light back when you first started feeling this. Nice n calm
Like September 6, 2021
CaLi Uso
…. Usually not easy to shake off. Best thing to do is stay busy with side projects that you enjoy. Watch some mycelium grow perhaps? Anything to keep the mind busy
Like September 7, 2021