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Psychedelics » DMT
First extraction complete, guess we'll see if I did it right when it comes out of the freezer. Definitely will be investing in some lab glass, would have been much easier than using a mason jar...lol
3 people like this.
Let us know how it turned out I'm happy for you. nothing like extracting your own spice and blasting of to that place in your mind.
Like June 14, 2023
Just joined, looking to further my knowledge of DMT.
4 people like this.
I'm new too bro and I'm looking for the same thing if you hear anything let me know I live in Haverhill Mass by the way anybody who reads this let me know if they're nearby
Like May 28, 2023
Great welcome to the community better start reading and learning helps if you join some groups like and we're all about doing it ourselves here.
Like May 28, 2023
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