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Male. Lives in United States. 32 years old. Is single.
by on June 27, 2020
   This is my second trip report, but my fourth experience with psilocybin. I used a tolerance calculator to get me to the same level that 4 grams should be after my experience a week before gave me little to nothing more than some light visual distortions. It was around 5.3 grams so I weighed them out and temporarily had them in a baggy. Before I trip, I try to clear my mindset and focus myself on love and light. I usually use my mala while doing a walking meditation coupled with the ol trusty ...
227 views 6 likes
by on May 20, 2020
   First, I want to warn any readers that this may be a long winded report and to feel free to skim along if desired.    I had moved to Denver the previous year and had no real intention to pursue these beautiful substances, but I will address this misconception later. My relationship with these substances has been changed forever. The opportunity came about as a coworker of my roommate at the time had gotten into many substances outside psychedelics. My roommate had taken a small dosage of mus...
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