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Lives in Earth, Zimbabwe. Born on December 25, 1924. Is in a relationship with .
Lively Liquid Culture
548 Members
Ketamine fun
459 Members
Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Cultivating contams
681 Members
Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Agar Agar
709 Members
Chemistry. Make your own solvents
133 Members
Shroomin jrs
614 Members
Mycology » Psilocybin
Sananga TRIBE
256 Members
Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Mush Cult Pix
347 Members
Mycology » Psilocybin
Mikeadelic Podcast Fangroup
66 Members
Music and Audio » Podcasts
Actively Tripping Down The Rabbit Hole
538 Members

Wall Comment

Whats up brother? I hope you're doing well so far this year.HappyKB posted a question asking everyone how they found DMTWORLD and the majority of us found it because we followed you here. So I was won... View More
6 people like this.
I like your answer GaiaGazing. I certainly believe that the universe is pushing us into certain directions. But its up to us to accept it. I'm really quorius what got MycoMadness started though. We all have our own story and many of them are similar in many ways. But each story is unique in its own ... View More
Like January 16, 2022
I like the curiosity. I share many of the points you make here: found wisdom in Mycos teachings, followed the breadcrumbs here, further teachings and i too now help others (troubled returned veterans). Maybe there needs to be no “why”? I have this image in my head that all this teaching, sharing an... View More
Like January 19, 2022
He leaves little clues in his videos. Not a full story and a lot of the videos are down now but he talks about a mentor. The way he talks about him makes me feel like its an uncle or something. I could be totally wrong though. His mentor may not have taught him cultivation and he was just referring ... View More
Like February 8, 2022