Love to learn new shit, Movie makeup artist, non-haterDad, Hobby grower80’s Hardcore kid
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Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Physics and Metaphysics
Physics and Metaphysics
DMT World News
April 15, 2021
Wow! Beautiful. Peaceful. Very very visual. Carpet was flowing like a river before they were even fully kicked in. Played guitar. Cracked jokes to my wife. Cuddled dogs. cannot recommend strongly enough. Looking forward to larger dose w friends on a sunny day.
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Any cannabis growers here who useNECTAR FOR THE GODS nutrient line?
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It's worth noting that i have never gotten bugs or seen a scotts logo or anything having to do with bayersanto on any of my soil bags. Pretty sure the monsanto stuff is a rumor
February 22, 2021
I like the line. Used it for a few years. If you follow their system, watch ph and ppm, the results are pretty great. Quality over sheer volume, but aroma, trich development/production are crazy. Not the simplest system, but highly educational if you really geek out. Calcium based. No salts to build... View More
February 23, 2021
How is everbody holding up? Strange days. Stay positive. Everyone is in this together, even if they dont realize.
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We arent just all in this together, we are this together! Big love at you. Im creating my best life and pushing my understanding of myself on a daily basis. How u doing?
I'm doing ok and I simply stay off the Big Tech media. Can't stand it anymore. It makes me very grateful to be on here because it allows me to escape and connect with good like minded individuals!
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