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Male. Lives in Hyde Park, New York, United States. Born on September 1, 2000. Is single.
About Me
I'd love nothing more than to sit on top of the world and enjoy the view. I follow my heart's desire... View More
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So does anyone else feel like everything is just slowly falling apart? Im only 20 years old but my generation has already seen its fair share of bullshit and mockery from people in power. And its gett... View More
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I see where you are coming from, and I agree with your sentiment. However, I see some things differently. For example, You say “ Long gone are the days when it was acceptable to be who you wanted.” In no other time in history have people been more free to be who they want to be. This can be illustr... View More
Like October 7, 2020
@HappyKB thank you- smoke two for me
Like October 7, 2020
@bigheadscientist @Saidar i agree with you, however im talking strictly about the working world
Like October 7, 2020
20 years ago people had to deal with proxy wars, 2008 people dealt with loosing their homes. And half way into a recovery Covid comes knocking. There are also high potentials of the San Andreas fault moving, Yellowstone has a super volcano beneath it, and climate change is at CO2 levels that if not ... View More
Like October 7, 2020