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About Me
I'm British lucid dreaming and lucid living coach and scientific researcher with a Masters of Scienc... View More
Everything I have, happened because I chose not to wait.⁠⁣
I wasn’t ready to cancel my retreat during the pandemic, totally switch tracks and begin coaching strictly in the online space, create an en... View More

There’s nothing more frustrating than waking up from an epic dream and not being able to properly recall it.⁠⁣⁣⁣⁣
You know you received insight, wisdom, incredible ideas, maybe you even got the fe... View More

6 people like this.
you are the best 1f600.png Thank you so mush!
Like October 13, 2021
My father has always conversed heavily with me, and in great detail about dreams. About how those dreams affect him psychologically and influence his thoughts and decisions for hours, days, weeks, etc after them... It makes me wonder how much different our world would be if such notable and notoriou... View More
Like October 13, 2021
I guess the reason i just posted this ^^^ is because I've never given it much thought or taken it in from this perspective and it's something that I am now very much interested in... not to be disrespectful towards those in our community who have written books about it, or devoted their time to stud... View More
Like October 13, 2021
Can't wait to hear your takeaways of these videos in that case then Josey! It's funny - a lot of people I connect with say they have a particular moment that this work suddenly just clicks with them and they realize they've been missing out on it! Glad your time has come! You no longer have to wait ... View More
Like October 14, 2021
“Lana, dreamwork sounds cool but my dreams are SO RANDOM…” ⁣
It’s true, dreams can seem really weird and you can feel totally confused about what it all means.⁣
Even if you have multiple dreams each n... View More

10 people like this.
This is so crazy. I have so many dreams I have begun journaling this year- because I do believe they have symbolic messages I’m meant to decipher. Last night another one poured in leaving me in a stupor. I have started keeping track of the moon’s phases and have noticed interesting patterns I’m stil... View More
Like October 7, 2021
That's awesome! Love that you've started journaling and noticing the symbolic messages! We can receive so much insight so I'm exited to share the training with you once the edits are done 1f600.png Should really help you with making sense of it all!
Like October 13, 2021
My practice I always say is called lucid dreaming AND living as I'm all about interweaving the two realms of awake and asleep. It can be really jarring when they feel worlds apart! Sorry to hear of the passing of your grandpa - you may experience a visitation dream with him! Those are actually some ... View More
Like October 13, 2021
How I went from a drug addict dropout to running the business of my dreams in under 24 months:⁣⁣⁣⁠⁣⁣
Not long ago I was:⁠⁣⁣
-So confused about my purpose in life⁠⁣⁣
-Working 7 side hustles at... View More

45 people like this.
Welcome friend! Glad you are here!
Like October 11, 2021
Most people I interact with think I'm an asshole, don't take my remark personally
Like October 11, 2021
That's awesome. 2665.png2b50.png
Like October 12, 2021
and don't get comfortable shoot for the moon to many people get too comfortable but ether way amazing job
Like November 12, 2021
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