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Psychedelics » DMT
Kynokephalo is an ancient greek term/name for doghead.
Im half greek and im loyal aswell as loyality is something I seek for becoming friends/family. Its the unwritten law that I wont hurt you and you... View More

Are you kidding me?
Cant describe my first expierence, it was intense.
I dont know why but I said very often „Jesus Christ“, and im an atheist. Speechless. At the time all was dark, like I had my hands... View More

4 people like this.
What was your substance and dose? My guess in mushroom or maybe deems?
Like August 7, 2020
DMT, 0.035 combined with caapi smoked
Like August 8, 2020
Red pilled? Didnt heard of it.
Like August 8, 2020
Katie June
How interesting. I too am an athiest but I feel psychedelics have intensified my atheism & helped affirm it.
Like August 8, 2020
Out of 50g MMHRB, 4 pulls, NomansTek.
4 people like this.
Was just to weight it. Didnt knew that. Thanks!
Like August 7, 2020
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