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Question for you all; why is the horse manure pasteurized? If I am mixing coir, verm, and manure for my substrate do i need to pasteurize the coir and verm too?
Thank you for any insight! Peace ????
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What is the best glue for a filter patch that will survive going in the autoclave?
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EP46HT Epoxy should do the trick, but there are probably cheaper alternatives.
Like July 26, 2020
Joey Green
Regular old 100% silicone .... not rtv or other such specialty adhesives ..... the back of most tubes of 100% silicone often states its good up to 400° F or so ..... way hotter than what we use to sterilize etc The trick is to rough up the surfaces to be joined with some very fine abrasives like sa... View More
Like July 26, 2020
Ok lovely people I could use some advice.
I am trying grain to grain for the first time using jars and home prepped rye berries. Problem is that my seed jar is VERY ready and the berry jars are not! ... View More

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Joey Green
If your just waiting for the other jar to catch up ...... just let it ride as it will be fine sitting colonized for weeks right where its at and without refrigeration
Like July 22, 2020
Hello friends! Im not sure where to post this so here goes; where can I ask questions and learn about mushroom monotub tips and strategies?
Any ideas are appreciated!
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Like March 23, 2020
Definitely join our Shroomin group!!1f642.png
Like March 23, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
When you edit your comme t it deletes your comment jus so you know friend
Like March 24, 2020
I just wanted to share a prize jewel from the Penis Envy batch, 10.2g dried weight!!
47 people like this.
Now thats a big penis
Like April 6, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Brandon Izzarelli
That’s just a little guy
Like April 28, 2020
James Douglas Morrison
Eat it
Like April 28, 2020
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