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Psychedelics » DMT

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Anyone introduce Ayahuasca or dmt to an older relative or friend. More specific parents or how did you go about explaining how it changed you..(me)??
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Just the light experience of a vape dmt hit lay back close eyes and see family members or memories likenver before. But i understand the hallucinating part seems to scare people think theres no healing properties wich is the most misunderstood thing in the world
Like October 4, 2020
No lacing lol. I know its not for everyone but if i was as lost as i was i know there's some adjustment that could benefit many people not willing to try to heal.
Like October 5, 2020
The few times ive tried, they struggled to take large enough hits, even with the bong. The successful ones have bong experience
Like October 5, 2020