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Male. Born on January 12, 1991.
About Me
Choose the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.
LSA cultivation/extraction
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Mycology » Psilocybin

Status Update

So, I am trying to "revive" some mush inner stem tissue from a DRY fruit, in agar.
So far it's been 7 days and nothing has happened. i have 8 jars with samples from different fruit bodies. 2 recently f... View More

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Hate to spam, but where do you live?
Like October 13, 2019
Will try with spores when I get my hands on a new baggie. Save the gills, comune with the rest hehe I live in Portugal
Like October 14, 2019
Will dive into that subreddit!! Thanks man!
Like October 18, 2019
I had fresh Alien truffles shipped from switzerland to canada. You’ll find!
Like October 19, 2019