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Female. Born on January 21, 1900.
Safe Place
150 members General
This is a place for YOU. You need to vent, yell, cry, loose your mind and just get it out, this is where you can do it. We will help if we can and if you want. If you don't want us to just let us know, we can do that too. We LOVE you.
609 members Spirituality
Spiritual evloution is the philosophical, theological, esoteric or spiritual idea that nature and human being and/or human cultureĀ evolve: either extending from an established cosmological pattern (ascent), or in accordance with certain pre-established potentials.
The Writers Torment
184 members General
The Writer's Torment is a collective space to showcase, poetry, short stories, screenplays, and written songs. We will have group poetry building exercise to collaborate new masterpieces, and make writing less tormenting.
Chillout Lounge
355 members Music and Audio
Looking for the perfect chill music? Discover new music and artist recommended by fellow Psychonauts. Don't forget to add to the collection. Add your favorite chill tracks to our selection.