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by on January 15, 2021
I felt compelled to take another 14 grams of Penis Envy. I did this after my 28g journey. This was more of introspective process. Initially it was a rough going. The voice(s) I heard wasn't the best. Typically I only heard words when my eyes are closed. Apparently this wasn't a typical dose. I normally hear a female voice. Dmt or mushrooms doesn't matter. Always the same voice. This time it was male. With a deep voice. It startled me. I was being patronized with backhanded compliments."You're th...
147 views 6 likes
by on December 30, 2020
I owe a lot of this experince to a few special people. Noor you don't judge me. You only love and accept me. Seeing what you went through when i too k the 14grams of Ape's let me know i needed to do this alone. K.S you are friend and i love you also,you are an amazing person. If any of you don't know who Happy and mighty eagle are please go introduce yourself to them,they are so kind.Also my dog tank. I love you so much. I'm sorry you had a melt down,i know you aren't just a dog. Everyone that h...
131 views 13 likes
by on December 12, 2020
This has taken me a little loner than i expected to write. I had a few factors that held me up. To be fair if it wasn't for the dmt last night i might not be writing this.(More on that later)  I ate 21 grams of mushrooms. My struggle with writing this has to due with me vomiting. I feel like My journey is semi-tainted. I felt like i missed part of the message. After my dmt experience last night i realize i was wrong.  (Side note-- I don't care how much breathing practicing you do or meditatio...
151 views 6 likes
by on November 15, 2020
I ate 14 grams of mushrooms. Let me give some backstory. I finished school in 1997 i was 17,my father signed a waiver for me to enlist in the Army. 11-bravo. I was deployed 4 times. After being wounded  pretty badly i got out in 2006. I then was"recruited" to contract for the Government,i did until 2012. I was able to hide my ever growing drug addiction that came about after my 2nd deployment. I was always into Mushrooms Dmt as well as Lsd. I used drugs to kill my self loathing and hate i had fo...
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