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Status Update

How did y'all overcome the inherent fear of DMT? I can't convince myself to keep going after my first note worthy inhale. I have been trying small amounts, learning how to properly vaporize it. Last w... View More
5 people like this.
Joey Green
If it doesn’t scare you, that would concern me! Or ..... to put it a much longer yet much better worded form ..... read the following passage upon "Security" by HST http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/ideas/Security_HSThompson.html
Like October 24, 2020
Cody moore
You have to understand its your ego trying to stop you. Just say fuck it and put that pipe back to your mouth and fight it. When you do that and take the plunge it will reward you and you will be glad you did when you come back into your body
Like October 24, 2020
it's definitely the ego. It remembers what happened to it last time and it's like it's screaming "oh no, not again " for me. I also find that the more time between journeys the worse my jitters. I believe it's because ego has had more time to recover.
Like October 24, 2020
Yeah i get scared if i wait longer than a month to do it
Like October 25, 2020