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Male. Lives in Twin Cities, Minnesota, United States. Born on June 14, 1987.
About Me
We are here to elevate and illuminate the world
We are one with the all
We are from the source and to ... View More
Entheogens and God
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Spirituality ยป Religion
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Physics and Metaphysics

Status Update

The mhrb arrived safe and sound. Now I just need to figure out if its good stuff. What's the best way to find out if it's good quality, just doing an extraction? What teks are good? I was thinking of ... View More
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Good quality, definitely by extraction.......So many Teks are good for so many reasons, for me personally I use a scaled down version of the KSKB Tek, GordoTek is a good tek, especially if you are trying to achieve some lovely white yields, the 80/20 Tek I am partial to.....I believe those teks are ... View More
Like March 10, 2022 Edited
I love suggesting the time efficient "straight to base" (STB) TEK. Room temp for your first pulls, and add heat for the rest. Youll get white looking stuff and the yellow to experiment with. The tek takes very little time. Especially if you have bark which his a low fat content, no defat necessary... View More
Like March 10, 2022