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Hello my friends, As I said before I enjoy and I get very excited helping all of you great people, I just wanted let you know that all male foreign and domestic has been sent and at the urge of a few ... View More
22 people like this.
Got mine today, thanks again gifts and mycomadness, you guys rock!
Like February 10, 2020
Awesome my friend
Like February 10, 2020
Cody Cakes
Got mine today, thank you Gifts and Mycomadness. Y’ll are awesome. My mush family.
Like February 10, 2020
Like February 12, 2020
Did you receive my message? I check my dms but it said there are no sent messages. Just making sure it sent, thank you!!!!
1 person likes this.
You have to send me a friend request first my friend to be able to message me 1f609.png
Like January 31, 2020
Go to terms and policies and you should find the messaging feature there
Like February 1, 2020
i just checked back in and took a look at the 100 give away . i see now what is next to proceed and sent a f/r so i can dm you my info. if its needed my # is 8 . thanks !!! an' stay Chubby Eh' .!!!
Like February 2, 2020
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