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Forest Monk

Male. Lives in High Rockies, CO, United States. Is single.
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Status Update

Forest Monk
Do you think, anyone that dabbles in magic, uses this group to get "souls" to play with? When time and distance is not a worry, they know folks are connected to this other realm, if someone announces ... View More
10 people like this.
The biggest mistake ive made in my life was speaking publicly about magic and developing psychic powers.. i was attacked and almost ruined and itll never happen again. Occult is secret knowledge for a reason, and learning doesnt involve speaking isthe best advice i could ever give..
Like October 13, 2020
People are afraid to die and either desperately grasp on to some “proof” that there is the ither side, or profit off those said people.. if you want proof, then come back as a powerful ghost and proov it yourself, no one else will..
Like October 13, 2020
Well there are clearly not many fucks given anymore to the rules of old societys, aren't they?
Like October 13, 2020
Gotta get a magic shield and a giant magic anaconda to chase those trolls outta your turf.
Like October 14, 2020