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How many mgs of DMT do you tend to take in each hit from a vape pen please guys? Trying to workout how many trips I’ve got in a 500mg tank? 10 ish? If I take 3 hits per trip? And trying to work out ho... View More
3 people like this.
Hi guys it was 1ml and 500mg of dmt 1f642.png
Like January 24, 2023
I made mine with .4 g of spice and .7 of juice. With that said I only need about 4-6 hits to completely be out there.
Like January 24, 2023
Even if you knew the concentration you don't have a way to know the volume per hit you are taking. The each hit is not always vaporizing the same volume. Like said using properly weighed crystal in a good vaporization technique is reliable. Also carts will take more mg to break through... View More
Like January 24, 2023
Some people's tolerance is higher than others. My brother can rip my cart over and over, and although he is very much in the realm he isn't "gone" so to speak... I can do some deep breathing before hand and consistently break through on the same cart in about 3-4 hits. I can get a full ego death tr... View More
Like February 5, 2023