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Agar Agar
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Lively Liquid Culture
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Shutting down my grow operations, anyone wanna buy some grow tents, lights and air systems. Idk if the admins will allow me to get rid of them on here. Just gotta make some $ back off of them. They we... View More
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Okay, thanks for telling me haha I didnt know. Thats what ill do.
Like July 20, 2021
Then once your account status updates you create a listing in the marketplace.
Like July 20, 2021
Sweet thank you
Like July 20, 2021
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Anybody have an idea on what this freaky backyard find is?
4 people like this.
Looks like a false morel, but I’m no expert.
Like July 8, 2021
False morels will be completly solid while morels are hollow including the stem and cap
Like July 8, 2021
Looks to be a Stinkhorn of some sorts.
Like July 8, 2021
Phallus Hadriani
Like July 8, 2021
Is it possible to add a casing to a cake after you've flushed it once or twice?
4 people like this.
laurajean78 is right! You absolutely can. Break up the cake and recase it. Give it a go!
Like June 6, 2021
So I would have to break up the cake to recase it? Or to case it?
Like June 6, 2021
You can do either way. Break it up and put it to new substrate or you can also just case it. Ive done that too on cakes where i screwed up the surface with harvesting the first flush. Just add a casing and it should perform better for the 2nd flush
Like June 6, 2021
Does anyone know a substrate recipe for, peat moss and vermiculite if there is any.
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Apes sorry guys, I thought I commented that.
Like June 6, 2021
Lets go, my first successful, removal of contam in one of my tubs. Been almost a week now and no other contam. The contamination was lipstick mold. I'm actually pretty proud that I saved this tub.
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Finally seeing some crystals,
How much longer you guys think?
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5to6 weeks
Like May 16, 2021
Whats the best process to flip your cakes? Do you clean the cake before you flip it? Or what? I want to try and flip my cakes instead of burying them in my garden.
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What do i do with this used up old side? It has a quite few aborts, and spores everywhere, can i scrape its off witb like a sterile scalpel?
Like May 8, 2021
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What a monster of a flush. 3rd flush and getting fruits like this.
31 people like this.
Like May 4, 2021
Like May 4, 2021
Jo smith
Awesome!! Keep flushing if you can, you'll be pleasantly surprised
Like May 5, 2021
Joey Green
That's not just a monster! ..... Thats an exceedingly rare example of a very symmetrical and quite pleasing to the eye monster! Many times, very large fruits (or monsters lol) can often take on a distorted or deformed look Nice job!
Like May 8, 2021
I have 2 venus fly traps in my tent with my shrooms, and today I notices 2 gnats flying around them. So I took some dryer sheets and put a few in my tent and around my room. Ive been told they can det... View More
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