This is very exciting news! Researchers have revealed that levels of DMT increase in rat brains when they are experiencing cardiac arrest. This adds strong evidence to the notion that DMT is released ... View More
I asked the questions earlier today about whether people recall having a body or not, when they've been in the realms of DMT hyperspace. Almost universally, people reported that they don't recall havi... View More
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I had a body for about what i could judge as 5 about minutes during my last trip. That was the only time though. And i think its because i was fighting the intensity of what was going on
Like June 8, 2019
Most the time I don't have a body. When being transported into another being I had a body but that was the only time.
Like June 8, 2019
I don't have my body there but I don't realise that until I feel myself adjusting back into this body... Or maybe I do... Gotta look next time
Like June 8, 2019
For these who have experienced a DMT breakthrough (around 40 mg, vaporized or injected), and entered hyperspace, where the mysterious entities reside-- do you recall if you had a body during this expe... View More
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Ozric Starshine
Your body dissolves with each hit until you’re pure consciousness.
Like July 9, 2019
Deeper and deeper
Like July 13, 2019
Just a point of consciousness. Funny I use the same terminology. I recently began to describe it as a "pixel." Its very disorienting at first but once I get my bearings and settle, then i can navigate in that space. Mostly accompanied by an "ego death" as well.
Like July 13, 2019
No body and I can move forward but not turn around
Like July 13, 2019
My body pixelated into nothing
Like July 13, 2019
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