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London Psychonauts
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Hi everyone. I was wondering, does anyone here regret taking DMT. Has anyone felt paranoid after their trip or even during? Has anyone had negative dreams or trouble sleeping after taking DMT or felt ... View More
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How much dry weight of your pans is comparable to 5 grams cubes?
Like July 10, 2019
Jeffrey Loubouski
I feel ya on that 2weird!
Like July 10, 2019
Jeffrey Loubouski
Minus the vomiting.
Like July 10, 2019
Pans are about 3-5x stronger than cubes a 8th of pans is like eating 10gs of cubes (but less stomach pain lol) But even then the trip is different IV and a half ounces of dried cubes before but it still didn’t take me off like a handful of pans will
Like July 11, 2019