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Male. Lives in Essex, United Kingdom.
United kingdom tripsters
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London Psychonauts
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Question, can you microdose truffles with the same effect as mushrooms?
Can anyone give me a decent changa mix please, I'm based in the uk if that makes a difference for ingredients etc, thanks
Can I just take the harmala freebase sublingually and dab the dmt as usual
Like June 27, 2019
#psycha yes you could
Like June 27, 2019
Thinking that might be the way to go!
Like June 28, 2019
What ever you find works for you, go for it ;-)
Like June 28, 2019
Here’s my set up mate ????
What are people experience using dmt with e-liquid? If you was to have a few puffs over say a 5 minute period do you have a steady flow of visuals? In the past I've read inbetween hits it's a good ide... View More
So... I’ve been vaping for about 5 years. I have all kinds of setups from salt nic devices up to big box mods like the drag box. I have sub-ohm tanks and RDA’s. Just got the molecule in my hands and I’m ready to try it. I also have a nectar collector for my dabs. I know that would be the easiest rou... View More
Like June 16, 2019
We use 3.5g in 25ml. I use an big baby beast tank, and @spudgun uses a baby beast. I am the same as you and have built etc., so we have a dedicated tank. Got a spare coil just in case and the coil is up to you, but low ohm - but as far as that goes it sounds like you know your stuff. We don't add ni... View More
Like June 16, 2019
All I gotta say is, unless you KNOW your source is reliable just make it yourself. Something I will indefinitely be doing when I get my package od MHRB in. I went through my guy to get a gram of DMT. Turned out to be a cartridge for an e-cig. First couple of hits I knew it wasn't DMT. Well, not NNDM... View More
Like June 16, 2019
^^^^ what he said
Like June 16, 2019
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