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DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics » DMT
Shroomin jrs
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Mycology » Psilocybin
599 Members
How do i k ow when their fully dry?
1 person likes this.
When you bend them, they should snap cleanly and be very brittle like saltine crackers
Like June 25, 2020
How does mushrooms and lsd mix?
2 people like this.
I had one hell of a time on lsd & mushrooms & old school X, at a Dead show. i really enjoyed it but i never have had a bad trip. just be careful and stay
Like June 21, 2020
Thats a nice combo guarantied to peak hard broke my fishing rods the last time i did it haha
Like June 21, 2020
happydayz, if you are using the app on your cell phone, i have found that ylu have to hit enter 1 or 2 times when you're done typing before you post it, that way it doesn't cut you off. try it
Like June 22, 2020
Thanks everyone the trip was great waych a million ways to die in the west funniest yhing ive witnessed
Like June 24, 2020
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