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Male. Lives in United States. Is in a relationship.
About Me
I like Cacti, mushroom, spice, and many other tools. As well as my doggies.
DMT Extraction Teks
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Psychedelics » DMT
This two year old lophs looks like a big boy I probably stare at it for 20-30 minutes a day and sing/hum them lullabies. I love my cacti, I love them enough to set them free but this baby is going now... View More
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Lucky charms
Big boy forsure how big are you gonna let um get before you degraft
Like March 7, 2023
Sorry I’m not savvy but how can you dm on the app version?
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And what’s the best vendor on marketplace for spores
Like January 1, 2023
You can not DM on the app. You can visit the website and DM there. www.dmtworld.net. I recommend GaiaGazing for spores (for microscopic purposes only). She sells them at cost for her to make. I’ve heard nothing but good things.
Like January 1, 2023
How would you begin to search for a local drum circle group other than meet ups? Pic for fun????
Howdy all. Check out my lophs. I grew these from seed that I was given about 4 years back. I wish I had the confidence to graft the variegated one. I am wondering if loph seeds are legal to trade in ... View More
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Lucky charms
LW seeds are not lawful in the us for trade but LD seeds are funny aint it give grafting a try its easier than you think
Like December 22, 2022
My parents recently stumbled onto my bag of extraction tools and they edibles just recently since it came legal but never once tried any sort of psychedelic or even heard of the spice. I told them how... View More
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I I have no idea what came over me but I pulled an all night or for the first time in years and when the sun came up I decided to start a brewI’m sure I should’ve taken the spines Out or done it differently but I’m sure it will still do the trick
Like March 7, 2023
It’s been cooking for like 36 hours so I’m guessing it’s close to done just have to get it to the right amount of liquid that I want after I strain it?
Like March 7, 2023
To start I froze it then thought it and drink the liquid that was a nice little shot of sunshine
Like March 7, 2023
All I need now is for someone to come over and enjoy it with me
Like March 7, 2023
Has anyone experienced the molecule not sticking to the Pyrex. And it actually stays suspended in the naptha. It sucks because evaporation takes like five days and I can’t even reuse the naptha.I aske... View More
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I’m just trying to make some quality die here
Like December 5, 2022
I even tried throwing in some premade die so that it will attach itself to that but that didn’t work either
Like December 5, 2022
I even left the Pyrex a bit sticky on my second attempt and that didn’t do anything either
Like December 5, 2022
When this happens to me I just filter thru a coffee filter
Like December 5, 2022
I’ve always made Chunga with grain alcohol but can it be made with isopropyl?
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And I wonder can everyone agree that Mullein is a great start to any recipe?
Like November 26, 2022
Soothe that throat and open it up. I also heard of people infusing the Mullein With the MAOI only and then have another blend of enhanced herbs with only the spice.
Like November 26, 2022
In which case you would smoke the maoi blend 20-30 mins before the spiced herbs
Like November 26, 2022
I am Magine that would really help people with throat issues but wonder if it works good otherwise to
Like November 26, 2022
Whoa life’s been a crazy whirlwind and my mind got lost a month ago. My partner left me a few days ago and I’m finally landing on the ground. I’ve been making spice to give away to friends that whole ... View More
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Hugs and love
Like November 8, 2022
I always got some love for you
Like November 9, 2022
Imagine That you live in a world where you don’t make your own legal smoking blends. Does anyone have any links or suggestions to obtain legal herbal smoking blends. I know what I want in mind but I c... View More
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Changa I my all time favorite thing that alters my perception yet I nevevr intended on ever doing it again but I have to quality control this batch before I leave it as a parting gift to loved ones. So I will smoke because I must and I really just need a reason to do it
Like November 3, 2022
Changa at shopongle live red rocks was literally good enough for a lifetime
Like November 3, 2022
Maybe I still have so Etching to learn so it yearned for me. This bark literally fell into my lap for free out of nowhere
Like November 3, 2022
I can hook you up with some herbs ❤️ I posted something in april on this topic, you can check out the post on my wall for the herbs I have available and send me a DM with your adres and the herbs you'd like
Like November 3, 2022
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