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Female. Lives in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, United States. Born on April 10, 1980. Is in a relationship.
Shroomin 2.0
1709 Members
Mycology » Psilocybin
New England Halluci-Nation
117 Members
Meetups and Communities

Status Update

Hey, hey fellow lovers of exploration, growth and expiriences. I just joined this platform, and I’m totally stoked with trippy waves of ooey gooey goodnes to be amongt you. Hoping to make beautiful sp... View More
13 people like this.
I have to figure out navigating this platform but would love to join a New England group @Animal Energy.
Like January 25, 2020
Like January 25, 2020
Animal Energy
If you find groups in the menu, just type new England in the search. Called new england halluci-nation
Like January 25, 2020
Found it!! Thank you1f609.png
Like January 25, 2020