After taking my 3.6g of PE6 Rose Tea I immediately went to the couch and played some music on the TV since I didn't want to be distracted by my phone, this was done on Wednesday not to long ago. For music I decided to go with EDM and of course any other songs with a good beat or meaning. This trip was necessary because I have been suffering mentally and of course have been dealing with cutting off my loved ones including my close friend and mentor, it's all due to my Wifey not having work and be...
Trip took off intensely by reconnecting me to the mycelium network, meaning I have been here before but we still have a lot of work to do on you. We indeed miss you. ~Mushroom and Deities
This trip was a hard one for me to process because it was going into the depths of my mind this time. Very much like a 5g journey only much shorter, the music playlist I had going was my Spotify liked station. It went from reggae, to my gangsta rap and more. The shrooms then basically told me your playlist s...
It took me awhile to process this experience since it was surprisingly very intense compared to my 1.5g Melmac tea trip. However, I did smoke a blunt stuffed with Hash at the end of it. Here is how it went, Monday morning I got over to my mentors place for our bonding experience. We each took 1G of Melmac via Lemon Tek and then head to his room to experience the journey. It started off very intense and immediately the room changed into a whole other place. Saw the familiar beings crawling around...
This morning, the Wifey woke me up from my sleep and told me to feed our fur baby. After I fed my sweet fur baby, I went ahead and grabbed my fruits and informed the misses I was going to be taking only 1.4g of my Melmac in a tea. She said I was fine as long as I didn't travel to different planets while she was at work. Well, let's say I got more than what I bargained for initially. While I let my tea properly steep, I went ahead and started with my set and setting. I cleaned some dishes and org...
I called up my close buddy who I do Shrooms with whenever I get the chance to. He is also a mentor and close friend of mine who got me to try them only for me to be cultivating a bunch on my own. Long story short I prepared the Ban Hua Thanon Mushroom and put the powder into the pint Mason jars. One 1/8th at a time since I wanted to make sure we both had the same exact dose. After that I looked in my fridge and noticed that I only had 1 lemon and 1 lime left. I was so glad that happened to me be...
I dranked the tea I made and off I went to await the effects. I made sure to have the intention set at home. Incense and good vibe. I got started by sitting in the living room and that is when I had some sister Nancy playing Bam Bam. Love my Jamaican fam bam and anyone from the Carribean up in here stay Irie. One love from SD. Anyway as beautiful Sister Nancy finished singing I sat next time the Wifey doing her Meds work. It was fun seeing what she had going on. Later on it started getting inten...
Last night I took 3.5g BHT Lemon tek and all I can say is I finally did the tek right. After I consumed my Lemon tek brew I enjoyed my evening as is with no expectation of anything happening. Once the 1-2hr time period hit I went on the strong peak that you always hear about when doing Lemon tek. While I was observing my dog's playful nature I ended up staring at the back board of the bed. Being made out of wood it allowed me to notice patterns and then eventually I got strong visuals with the b...
So to say the least that 3.6g trip was not at all a 3.6g trip! The come up was a hard one and I ended up feeling sucker punched to the couch. My baby girl Luna comes observing me in my altered state. I was enjoying my trip and witnessing the daylight fade away. I love sunsets but more importantly I love them even more when tripping. While I was watching American Dad (Love that show) I started feeling Nasuea and I was then sent into a different world while trying to navigate the bathroom. I succe...
It has been awhile since I have taken a journey so I decided to take it slow back at 4.3g before I decide to do a Hero again. Originally I was going to do this at the cabin on my trip. However, my 6 hour hike to the hot springs ended up replacing that. So basically the first phase of my trip was going out into nature and then returning home to work on myself some more healing wise. After eating the 4.3g of JMFs and drinking my ginger tea I went to go sit on the couch and watch Encanto with my be...
At the beginning of my trip I was sent to a different dimension. The whole room turned white and a Banshee came out and went Skreeeeeeeee (High pitch scream.) After I encountered this horrific being I saw my fiancee emotions come alive. It was filled with sadness and pain that I didn't know what to do but cry. During the whole journey I had to fight to get through every challenge I was put through. I encountered Mayan gods and man they weren't happy to see me. In fact I was being tormented left ...
Yesterday I had my mentor and closest friend come over for a 5G heroic dose. We ate the bowl of PE6 I weighed out and drinked some Ginger tea in order to help with any nausea from the come up. He really enjoyed the PE6 strain and told me it tasted like Blueberry. I noticed it to and it went down so easy. After we started getting comfortable I lit some incense around my home and had all the lights off except for the Christmas tree. We had some Jazz play on my Bluetooth speaker and we started talk...
After I got home from visiting family I was ready to finally try my well done harvest of PE6. Keep in mind the potency is higher than average like other P.E's. I weighed out my amount and decided to do double the amount of a regular dose of a PE. Wanted to go for the full ride since it has been awhile that I did these. I ate my well dried and crunchy mushrooms while drinking orange juice to ease it down. My fiancee had Criminal Minds playing because it was still Halloween and she wanted to watch...