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First flush of PC Costa Rica. Super dense but I cant figure out why they keep turning out so tiny!! Any help would be much appreciated.
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Like June 8, 2020
Lol urs look like mine. Mime r small but alittle meaty im growing Ecuador but we got around the same cap marks
Like June 9, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Little amazonian buddies coming up to say hey! Anyone got any ideas on why I can seem to get em much thicker or taller than this?
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Multi-spore, and syringe or print
Like June 3, 2020
Went from multispore syringe to agar to agar to jar. Still workin the agar outside of this, so its a pretty early generation, but this was the first jar/ tub that colonized
Like June 3, 2020
I've recently tried MS LC (multi-spore liquid culture) to agar a few times, and got 100% contam. Spore print to agar was a success, so I dont think it is my still air box problem. Just today I sterilized some popcorn jars to test the MS-LS again on a different medium. Visually the LC looks pretty he... View More
Like June 3, 2020 Edited
whats LS?
Like June 4, 2020
Recently have become super into mycology, and am working on my second monotub! First one was contaminated and produced fairly small cubes.. (Ecuador). I took the best ones and grew em out on agar a fe... View More
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