I am an artist and an explorer. Retired young psychonaut.
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Wow it’s almost been two years since my last post here. Life has been moving faster and faster. I often think about the past still and deal with HPPD. Not as bad as it used to be but also not as tame ... View More
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Hello, I am now almost a full year through my journey with HPPD and I can say I’ve come a long way. Just recently (two months ago) I got into marijuana again and I’ve been ok with it. I’ve seen two co... View More
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Soft tribal patterns on things is a friendly reminder that what you see is not what is. The true answer to that on where you want to go from there is up to you. You can follow the rabbit or leave it. Taking drugs and not research consciousness is like wanting a shower without getting wet.
Ok so i didnt listen and i kept going. My HPPD is now horrible constant visual snow, or light splits whatever you wanna call them. I cant sleep because whenever i close my eyes i see the geometric wal... View More
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You may need a break for a little while. I had some mild HPPD, And took a little break. Helped with time
Yeah take a long break. There isn't much official treatment for it. I would try meditating and calming your mind. Maybe even some breath work
By that i mean it feels like the lsd i did was nBOMe. I usually test my lsd but this time was different cause i had a friend who had done it without testing before and he was fine. I took one tab and i saw just as much if i were to take 10 tabs of 150 ug. This is not an exaggeration either and its q... View More
So ive taken A LOT of mushrooms and LSD in the past 4 months. I now have exteme cases of HPPD and have no idea how to either get rid of it or come to terms with having it, any advice?
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