Yes ovoids, and there were a couple more in this photo than that. At least 17 there were a few hiding under the brush but I didn't count them. Just shy of 100 total today.
Good luck! Yesterday's rain was a bit sketchy with progressing these along their growth cycle. Depends on the area, really. My spot is about 15' above the creek so it was lucky they didn't get washed away or drowned, I'm happy though... they're my babies! Lol. Don't get your socks and shoes wet whil... View MoreGood luck! Yesterday's rain was a bit sketchy with progressing these along their growth cycle. Depends on the area, really. My spot is about 15' above the creek so it was lucky they didn't get washed away or drowned, I'm happy though... they're my babies! Lol. Don't get your socks and shoes wet while searching, ovoids won't be in flooded flood plains.
What evironment did you find these around? I know theyre commonly found along rivers and streams/piled up wood debris. Theyre in season where im at so i plan on making multiple journies in the coming days