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About Me
I??¢â?¬â?¢m @bufoalvarius_710 from IG that sells the dmt pipes !!!
I had a very good four day weekend. I drove to Tennessee for my youngest sister’s graduation party. Adventured into the mountains. I got to eat my momma’s home cooking, and spend time with my family. ... View More
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Hello NaturalSelXN. I’m from Kenton. It is about 45 miles north of Marysville (I used to teach in Marysville for 15 years).... Or 60 miles NW of Columbus... Right next to the corn field and across from the bean field. 1f642.png
Like June 28, 2019
18 people like this.
Is that one pipe in his hand or 3?
Like May 5, 2019
Someone on Instagram made the meme. It's Hamilton's Morris hand holding 3 of my pipes lol
Like May 5, 2019
Yeah, it's a reference to the movie Holes, I just wasnt sure if the at some crazy trippy looking pipe or 3 interesting semi weird pipes lok
Like May 5, 2019
Like May 9, 2019
One of my proudest moments since I ventured into selling these pipes!!! Putting 3 of them in the hands of Hamilton Morris!!!
11 people like this.
So cool!
Like May 3, 2019
Have you upgraded to a merchant account so you can sell stuff on the market place here on DMT World?
Like May 3, 2019 Edited
That's awesome man! I'm looking into how to order now!
Like May 3, 2019
I haven't made a merchant account. I need to look into how to do that.
Like May 3, 2019
shared a few photos
My personal V1 heady Deem Machines!
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T rex ophora
Do you have a website you sell these on?
Like May 3, 2019
Kurrently Lit
Yeah how do I obtain one of these beauties
Like May 3, 2019
Fungi lab
link please!! id love to get one of these
Like May 3, 2019 Edited
I sell them on my Instagram! I'm starting to get the word out there more now but I haven't made a site to order from. Hit the DM and I'll fix you up.
Like May 3, 2019
Any Kentucky people on here ?!?!
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Neighbors- Ohio here
Like May 3, 2019
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