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Status Update

Guys, someone has eated 4g of mushrooms? It's the heaviest trip I ever done.
7 people like this.
Some person on here claimed to eat 70+ dry grams recently
Like August 23, 2020
70+ seems like bullshit to me. Ive eaten 12 and 70+ seems like a puff story.
Like August 24, 2020
maybe the person who ate 70 was the same one who said he vomited up hi smush then re-ate it LOL. I think rise-amorph81 mentioned eating in the 20-30's tho maybe he could say if more accurately if 70 is unrealistic. my guess would be in regards to the quantity of fungi matter it'd be a big ass pile o... View More
Like August 24, 2020
I’ve heard that you would have to eat your weight in Shrooms for it reach a Detrimental level enogh to do your body harm.
Like August 24, 2020