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Male. Lives in United States. Born on May 27, 1996. Is in a relationship with .
Meditation Higher Vibration
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Blotter Art
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So this is my first post, figured I'd introduce myself! Ill go by Bless. I recently moved across the country to be with a very special girl that i met, and to begin the career ive always wanted. I lan... View More
24 people like this.
Welcome friend! Im trying to get into the cannabis industry as well but feel like im getting stonewalled. Any tips you have for getting involved would be appreciated! But on another note, the groups are where the bulk of information is going to be! Dont be afraid to ask questions, and get acquain... View More
Like January 25, 2020
Bless... we were waiting for you...
Like January 25, 2020
Leaf ninja
Like February 24, 2020
Thank you for the warm welcome everyone. I apologize for the super late reply, but the app has been crashing on my phone and I've been on a social media hiatus. But thank you all. <3 Promise I'll be more active from here on out!
Like February 25, 2020
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