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Tripping clips
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Psychedelics » DMT
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Physics and Metaphysics
Hip Hop Headz! ?
143 Members
Music and Audio
I've noticed that shroom trips have been more intense after trying dmt in the past. A recent shroom trip, I decided to up my regular dosage of 3-4gs to 5g to see what I can possibly learn about myself... View More
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We have more abilities than most people care to believe.
Like April 16, 2022
That is amazing. Fantastic. How many times have you tripped DMT? Were you moving the Jesus music around or was it music of your choosing?
Like April 16, 2022
The Jesus music felt like an awakening song for me, when I stood up I imagined hearing hip-hop and boom, hip-hop played outdoors anywhere of my choosing. I've tripped maybe 10 times on dmt
Like April 17, 2022
Very cool. I'll see if I can replicate something similar x)
Like April 17, 2022
Anyone else experience being on top of clouds that overlooked the universe? It was bright but not overwhelmingly bright, lots of love and the feeling of oneness. I got the sense that my dad who has pa... View More
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Flying through the universe yes… clouds no…. Oneness yes
Like March 30, 2022
A really good friend shared this with me last night. I feel compelled to share it with you. Oneness https://youtu.be/Ym4Rpd72tq8
Like March 30, 2022
Like March 30, 2022
Anyone here a juggalo? To those not familiar, a juggalo is a fan of the Insane Clown Posse. I'm a juggalo and I've noticed the similarities of a DMT trip and the music/message of ICP. Visuals of a car... View More
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