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Male. Lives in Kingston, Jamaica. Born on February 16, 1992. Is in a relationship.
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I'm on that same cliche quest.
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Music and Audio
Greetings im from the small country of Jamaica some of my people are suffering from this COVID-19. Are there any mushrooms that could offer some relief? Most mushrooms are available here i just dont k... View More
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Covid is testing life. If you aren't worth to live, dont panic. It will take your pains
Like April 8, 2020
My son works at a pawn shop and one of his co workers tested positive for corona than of course he came home coughing. I gave him raw garlic and ginger and lemon tea for two days in a row and he hasnt coughed since. Im no expert but if people have flu or cold like symptoms treat it in a flu or cold ... View More
Like April 9, 2020
There is a link in that article to the method I am speaking of for those suffering, it truly helps and it is not what you would think is the right thing to do when struggling to breathe. It works and costs nothing. I hope this helps you
Like April 9, 2020
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