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Male. Lives in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Canada Meetups
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Status Update

Buying my first batch of MHRB soon for my first extraction! Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
5 people like this.
Don't get it to hot or shake it to hard. Follow the tech you choose
Like February 6, 2021
Gordo tec is accurate and somewhat easy.
Like February 6, 2021
Gordo tek fur sure
Like February 6, 2021
Ive heard that YouTube took gordo teck down ... my phone broke so i am on an old phone that is absolute shit, but bit chute and /or bit slide may have it... there is a channel of banned videos from you tube also. I would check myself but am not able to currently. However that may be a good place to ... View More
Like February 6, 2021