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Male. Lives in San Antonio Hill Country, United States. Born on December 29, 2017. Is divorced.
About Me
Reborn from alcohol. Now evolving as a new being I Am the jolly old Ancient of Days. Another mask o... View More
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made some portabella dried mushrooms with soysauce and garlic and onion powder, tastes good. may try it with GT next. just don't want to risk messing up the medicine when I can always capsule them i... View More
I think my GT is giving me diarhea, I've read the meat can do this so tea can work around this. Any experience with getting the squirts?
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last week of Dr visits were shit...dentist said all my teeth should be pulled so denture time, and then liver specialist said they found a spot and have to go get a CT scan WTF ever that means
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yes it touches my soul, thank you, and I have a about a 10lb bag of DE for the very reason you are talking about, and kill any intestinal parasites. It's about 8 yrs old but still wrapped up tight, wonder if it's still good/viable. I was just wondering lately if it is something I could use for shr... View More
Like September 4, 2019 Edited
The only thing i found with shrooms and DE is that its a good buffer with ph level in casing your shrooms good also to add a tblspn or 2 to your substrate or casing, DE holds a fair amount of water check out shroomery and DE powder there are some useful topics on it. Glad other people know about the... View More
Like September 4, 2019
Hang in there! Dentures.... Already got em, takes about a year once you get your teeth pulled, to get your permanent set. You'll talk funny without your bottom teeth. Tip often and try to stay positive.
Like September 22, 2019
thanks M
Like September 23, 2019
I over heated my pc leting the water run dry, warped the bottom.
Presto wants pics to see damage for possible waranty replacement.
Dumbass me already took a rubber mallet to it to "fix" it...not sure ... View More

got my divorce finalized 2 days ago 8/20/2019
ladies I am available, pot heads only lol
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I'm in the wrong group, it's locked
Like August 22, 2019
Unable to view this section due to privacy settings.
Like August 22, 2019
Request to join and Soph2020 will have to approve your request. Patience
Like August 22, 2019
yeah 1f600.png
Like August 22, 2019
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