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Female. Born on July 21. Is divorced.
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This series is great. If you haven't watched Comedy Central's Tales from the Trip, you really should check it out. They have the full episodes on youtube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERZCeR1b6yQ&... View More

Ahhh... time to relax!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!
One of my favorite tv shows.
The app is working again!!!
Found those while I was on my nature walk yesterday so I had to take a photo or two. smile.gif Also found a log growing what looked like eyebrows! That one made me giggle. They looked like big bushy muppet... View More
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So my inquiring mind would like to know... I'm getting ready to start purchasing my ingredients within the next few weeks to attempt an extraction. what US vendors would you recommend for purchasing ... View More
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Psykat in the marketplace here is where I bought mine. Shes a great person to deal with.
Like September 17, 2019
I got mine from rootguy in marketplace but he's in Mexico. I got mine whole and powdered it myself. So far the results have been good just did my first extraction this past weekend and tested it Sunday night. I've also heard Psykat is good to deal with. But check the marketplace here. Good luck with... View More
Like September 17, 2019
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