Art On A Rebel Soul ??
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Art-Jo shared...
Art-Jo shared a photo
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance".????#alanwatts #soulrebel#nattydread #dmtworld
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Art-Jo shared...
Spiritdaddy shared a photo
My daughter is missing please share this around I’m on my way to Indiana to look for her myself it’s been 40 hours since she was last physically seen
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Art-Jo shared...
Make sense ????
Art-Jo shared a photo
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance".????#alanwatts #soulrebel#nattydread #dmtworld
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@ Art-Jo That sounds scary. What if you do not agree with the change? The Yin and Yang aspect of our universe can be frightening. I know it happens whether we want it to or not. I also realize every old timer thinks there generation is the last as so much change has occured.
March 31, 2022
"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance".????#alanwatts #soulrebel#nattydread #dmtworld
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Art-Jo shared...
Rainbow Serpent????
Art-Jo shared a photo
We make the colors of the rainbow serpentCallin' us in to return to its line andBreak the mold of religious conditioningReturn to spirit, one soul at a time ????#xavierrudd#africa #onelove#soulrebel#n... View More
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We make the colors of the rainbow serpentCallin' us in to return to its line andBreak the mold of religious conditioningReturn to spirit, one soul at a time ????#xavierrudd#africa #onelove#soulrebel#n... View More
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… Tell you what, herb for my wineHoney for my strong drinkHerb for my wine, honey for my strong drink#bobmarley#soulrebel#northafrica#nattydread
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